Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back once more....


i didnt even notice..that i have abandoned my blog for 4 freaking months!!!haha...owh well..being the usual me, i am just too lazy to update my blog..


i have no freaking idea why all of the sudden i FEEL like blogging!!!even though i AM supposed to be studying now...miracle isn't it??


finals approaching..yet i still have tonnes of work to do...cpt research paper, physics trebuchet project, chemistry business plan presentation (YES, BUSINESS PLAN PRESENTATION FOR CHEM!!!though i have no idea why do we have to do this for science courses)..and etc...i know i am complaining too much..but who can take this man!!no study break for ICPU!!!i am getting tired though, very very tired indeed..thank god it is ending soon...i mean for this semester, at least???


i shall stop procrastinating now and start doing what i am supposed to do now..or else i am so gonna regret BIG TIME...ain't wanna repeat the mistakes i had done last year =)...

till then..all the best to all ICPU students..good luck in your finals!!! =)

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