The moment I'm posting this entry, the song "Pictures of You" by The Last Goodnight came across my mind.
See, how thoughtful am I. Hehe.
Since I am lazy and don't know what to write about, I will use the following verse to express myself. Hehe. So here it goes:-
"Pictures of you, pictures of me
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we used to be"
("Pictures of You" - The Last Goodnight)
One happy ICPU family. Friends Forever!
Candid shot. But it looks good =).
8 months ago it was my Bro's farewell. And now, it is my turn! Will miss you, broey!
N.S Friends. Bunch of great people. I'll not forget you people la. Always say till like I damn bad! Ish ish.
Another broey! Haha. Yes, I will definitely miss you and your sis!
Well, I am known as an ADP-wannabe to them.
Best high school friends in life.
Part of the 5S2 girls. Aiks, missing one person =.=, I wonder who.
Thanks for eveything people. I will definitely miss you guys!
Take care and all the best!